Thursday 19 November 2015

COW's Urine - A Game Changer - Best Medicine - Sarva Dosh Nivarana !

In following Posts “COW” Means Our DESI (Indian Breed or Indigenous or Vedic Cow). To Know more please read about VEDIC COWS

Purpose of publishing thisBlog
          Vedas are source of Indian culture. Vedas originate from Brahma. Vedas are eternal. Ayurveda branch of Vedas deals with holistic aspects of health. Health means physical, mental and spiritual well being.


Question: What is disease?
  Disobedience of nature, Unnatural food habits and behavior is the causes of diseases. What causes disease? Imbalance of three elements
Air (Vat), Bile (Pitta), Mucous (Kapha) cause diseases.

What is the treatment? Balancing of three elements air, bile and mucous. Balancing the three elements should be the aim of cure. Cow urine balances three elements, but it enhances bile (to some extent). "
Sarve rogaah hi mandagnau" All diseases begin with mandagni (Low fire i.e. digestive capacity). Fire and bile are similar. If fire is strong, diseases won't occur. Cow urine keeps the fire strong. Toxins cause germs in the body. Germs give birth to diseases. Cow urine is germicide. Rogahi visham dosha meaning diseases are caused by imbalance of elements bile, mucous and air.
Cow urine balances elements,
Samya dosharogata meaning when three elements are balanced there are no disease. Irregular bowel movements cause diseases. Cow urine regulates bowel movements. Weakening of immunity system also causes disease. Cow urine is elixir. Gavyam tu samprotkam, jivaniya rasayanam meaning cow urine gives life and is elixir. There are some micronutrients in our body, which give life strength. These micronutrients are flushed out through urine. Therefore gradually ageing steps in our body. Cow urine compensates the loss of micronutrients (enzymes). This is confirmed by this treatment therapy.

Amongst urines, cow urine is best. In Ayurveda where ever urine is mentioned, it is to be understood as cow urine. Statements of scriptures confirm this. Cow is our mother and we are her children. Therefore cow urine is beneficial. Cows have symbiotic relationship with human beings. It is said
ja ghar tulsi aur gaya ta ghar vaidya kabhi na aye. It means in a home, which has a Tulsi (sacred basil) plant and cow, doctors don’t come to that house.

Mutreshu, gaumutram gunto Adhikam. Avisheshat kathane, mutram gaumutramucchyate. Meaning amongst all urines, cow urine is best. If not specified then urine means cow urine.

The older the cow urine, the more useful it is. It does not decay. Ganga resides in cow urine, as per scriptural story. Cow urine contains copper and gold salts, which are elixirs. Gold has capability to cure diseases. Gold can counter all kinds of poisons, that is why it is used in teeth, ears, nose and finger as ornaments. So that food, air, water enters the body through mouth, eyes and nose enter after touching gold. Even to this extent that for maintaining personal hygiene the gold ring is put on left hand finger so even while washing anus gold comes into contact with body. There was a custom to eat food in golden pots. Even to this day there is a provision to take water in copper pots. There is a Bengali saying
"Jo khay gauchoor cona, tar deh hoi sona" which means that one who drinks cow urine his body becomes golden complexioned and effulgent.

Diseases are mental and physical. Cause of mental disease is tension or stress.
vishad karoti iti vish. Stress gives rise to poison (toxin) in body. Result of poison in body is virus or infection. This virus is called vishanu (living entity of toxins) in Sanskrit. These cause cancer in human body. These triggers uncontrolled cell growth causing various types of cancer. When such poison and virus vishanu enter blood it is called blood cancer etc. In 99% of the cases, cancer is caused due to mental tension of various types. Even to the extent that a child in mother's womb is also affected due to mother's tension. In due course of time the child suffers due to blood cancer or other diseases.

Cow - urine destroys miseries and diseases. It purifies both body and mind. Thus mental disease does not persist. It is in the mode of goodness (
Satvik). Cancer is due to virus in poison. These toxin generated viral diseases like cancer are destroyed by regular intake of cow urine. Cow urine is fully successful in destroying toxins. A lot of poisonous herbs mentioned in Ayurveda are purified from their poison by cow urine. Cow urine keeps mind happy & calm. So body remains healthy. Bodily diseases don't occur. Even if they occur they can be successfully cured by cow urine.
What is cow? What is cow-urine?

From vedic reference:
In a calm voice a cow Nandini says to King Dilip 
"Na kevalam payasa prasutim - ve hi man kam dugham prasannam"
Trans: - "Whenever I am pleased and happy I can fulfill all desires. Don't consider me to be just milk supplier" Cow is abode of gods. She is Kamdhenu (desire fulfiller) personified. She is receiver of the auspicious rays from all heavenly constellations. Thus it contains influences of all constellations.
Wherever there is a cow, there is influence of all heavenly constellations, blessings of all gods are there. Cow is the only divine living being that has a surya ketu nadi (vein connected to sun) passing through her backbone. Therefore the cow's milk, butter and ghee has golden hue. This is
because Surya ketu Vein, on interaction with solar rays produces gold salts in her blood. These salts are present in the cow's milk and cow's other bodily fluids.

What is cow urine?
In cow blood there is pran shakti (Life Force).Cow urine is cow's blood that is filtered by kidney. Kidneys filter blood. Whatever elements are present in blood are present in cow urine also.

Relevant Questions-Answers.
Question 1    Which cow's urine should be taken?
Answer:    Instruction from scripture is: "Agramagram charantinamoshdhinam vane vane". The cow which roams in jungle, excercises herself, fully grazes grass and medicinal herbs as she desires, drinks clean water and is in a healthy state. Such cow's urine has medicinal value and should be taken.

Question 2    What should be the age of cow whose urine can be taken?
Answer: Any age group young, grown up, old. Any cow's urine of any age group should be used.

Question 3    Is bull's (young or old) urine usable for medical purpose?
Answer:   Bull's urine is stronger. But its medical value is no less as species is same. Just by smelling bull's urine, infertile woman can conceive child. In Mahabharat Virat parva it is said
"Rusbhmanshcapi, janami rajan pujit lakshnan. Yesham mutramupaghray api bandhya prasuyate". Meaning - I can recognize the best quality bulls, just by smelling whose urine the infertile woman can conceive.

Question 4    In which container, the cow's urine should be kept?
Answer:   Do not keep cow's urine in copper or brass container. Earthen, glass, china-clay containers may be used. Steel pot can also be used.

Question 5    How long can it be preserved?
Answer:   Cow urine is useful eternally, lifelong. It should be covered nicely to avoid dust. Quality does not deteriorate. Colour may change to red or black, due to copper or iron in the urine. Ganga has resided in cow-urine. Ganga water never deteriorates, it remains pure and harmful germs cannot exist in it. Similarly, cow urine never deteriorates.

Question 6    Should one take cow urine of Jersey or other crossbreed cow?
Answer:   No. Should not be taken. Only Indian traditional breeds cow urine should be taken.

Question 7    What is the daily cow urine dose for an adult?
Answer:    General dosage is 25ml (2 1/2 tola) at a time. Two times a day (Morning and evening) is 50 ml (5 tola). If  taken more it cleanses intestines and more motion takes place. It is harmless, as there is no poison. In general small quantity should be taken.

Question 8    In which disease
Gaumutrasav (a fermented preparation from cow urine) should not be taken?
Answer:    In diabetes and blood sugar
Gaumutrasav should not be taken. Since jaggery is in Gaumutrasav. But distilled form, tablet form or plain cow urine may be used.

Question 9    What is the dose for pregnant women and child?
Answer:   Half the general dose.

Chemical Contents of cow urine as per modern concepts and cure of diseases accordingly.

S. No.               Name of chemical        Effect of chemical on Diseases                        
Nitrogen N2 ,NH2
Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
Sulphur S
Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood.
Ammonia NH3
Stabilise bile, mucous and air of body. Stabilises blood formation.
Copper  Cu
Controls built up of unwanted fats
Iron   Fe
Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & haemoglobin. Stabilises working power.
Urea  CO(NH2)2
Affects urine formation and removal. Germicidal.
Uric Acid  C5H4N4O3
Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins.
Phosphate  P
Helps in removing stones from urinary track.
Sodium  Na
Purifies blood. Antacid
Potassium  K
Cures hereditary rheumatism. Increases appetite. Removes muscular weakness and laziness.
Manganese  Mn
Germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects decay due to gangrene.
Carbolic Acid  HCOOH
Germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene.
Calcium  Ca
Blood purifier, bone stregthener, germicidal, ?? Rakta skandak ??
Salt  NaCl 
 Sanyas vishamta ?? decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal
Vitamins A,B,C,D,E
Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive power.
Other Minerals  
Increase immunity
Lactose  C6H12O6   
Gives satisfaction. Strengthens Mouth, strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness.
Make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity
Water (H2O)   .
It is life giver. Maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature
Hipuric Acid  CgNgNox    .
Removes toxins through urine
Creatinin  C4HgN2O2   
      Aurum Hydroxide AuOH  
It is germicidal and increases immunity power. It is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic

Following is speciality of Mother Cow.
If by chance some poisonous or harmful material enters cow's food, she absorbs it in her flesh. She does not let it go into cow urine, cow dung or milk or releases in very small quantity. These results have been compared with other animals by feeding them various items and then testing milk and urine. Therefore cow urine and dung is pure and removes toxins. Cow milk is certainly anti-toxin. Cow urine is included in "
panchgavya". "Panchgavya" is said to be curer of all diseases. Panchagavya is made up of five cow products viz. milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung.

"Yatvagasthi gatam papam dehe tishthti mamke
prasnat panchgavyasya dahasagnirivendhnam

Meaning : From skin to bones, whatever sins (diseases) are in my body, are destroyed by panchagavya just as fire destroys fuel.

Question:    Why diseases occur?
Answer:    Following are the reasons:

    1    By attack of various germs on various parts of body.
    2    Due to decrease in immune power of body.
    3    Due to imbalance of tridosh (bile, mucous and air).
    4    Due to lack of healthy nutrients in the body for any reason.
    5    Due to lack of some minerals.
    6    Due to mental tension / stress
    7    Due to excessive use of medicines.
    8    Due to lack of electric waves in body.
    9    In old age due to any of the above reasons.
  10    Due to lack of healthy ingredients in food.
  11    Due to working against the voice of soul (i.e. immoral sinful activities).
  12    Due to sins committed in previous births.
  13    Due to entrance of spirits in body.
  14    Due to hereditary causes.
  15    Diseases occur due to poisons and toxins in body.

How cow urine wins over diseases?

  1    Cow urine has amazing germicidal power to kill varieties of germs. All germ generated   diseases are thus destroyed.
  2    Cow urine balances the tridosh (mucous, bile and air) thus diseases are cured.
  3    Cow urine corrects functioning of liver. So, liver makes healthy pure blood. It gives disease   resistance power to the body.
  4    Cow urine has all elements, which compensate for deficiency of nutrients in our body, which are required for healthy life.
  5    Cow urine contains many minerals especially Copper etc. It compensates for bodily mineral deficiency. Presence of gold salts protects body against diseases.
  6    Mental tension hurts nervous system. Cow urine is called medhya and hradya, which means it, gives strength to brain and heart. Thus cow urine protects heart and brain from damages caused by mental tension & protects these organs from disorders and diseases.
  7    Excessive use of any medicine leaves some residue in our body. This residue causes diseases. Cow urine destroys the poisonous effects of residues and makes body disease free.
  8    Electric currents (rays) keep our body healthy. These currents (rays) are present in environment. These rays in form of extremely small currents enter our body through Copper in our body. We get Copper from cow urine. To attract these electric waves is quality of copper. Thus we become healthy.
  9    Cow urine is an elixir. Stops ageing process. Destroys diseases.
  10  The nutrients, which are less available in food, are compensated by nutrients present in cow urine and thus helps to regain health.
  11   By acting against the voice of soul (immoral & sinful action), the heart and mind become narrow minded. Due to this the functioning of body is effected and causes diseases. Cow urine provides mode of goodness. Thus helps us to perform correct activities by mind. Thus protects from diseases.
  12    In scriptures some diseases are said to be due to actions performed in previous lives which we have to bear. Ganga resides in cow urine. Ganga is destroyer of sins, thus cow urine destroys such previous sins and so diseases are cured.
  13    The diseases caused by entrance of ghosts in body are cured by intake of cow urine. The Master of ghosts is Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva holds Ganga on his head. Ganga is in cow urine also. Thus by taking cow urine, the ghosts get to see Ganga over their master's head. So they are           calmed and become peaceful. So they do not trouble the body. Thus, diseases caused by entrance of ghosts are also destroyed.
  14    By regularly taking cow urine before sickness, we get so much immunity that any attack of diseases is repulsed.
  15    Cow urine being miraculous poison destroyer, destroys the disease caused by poison (Toxin).Extremely dangerous chemicals are purified by cow urine. Cow urine provides immunity power by increasing resistance power against diseases in human body. It contributes to immunity power. It is not only non-poisonous but also destroys poison. It is anti toxin.


1.    DYSPEPSIA       
4.    HERNIA
8.    CANCER                                                                                           9.     EPILEPSY

10.    VERTIGO
12.    TUMOUR
13.    PILES
24.    GASES
28.    ANAEMIA
29.    ECZEMA
32.    POLY URIA
34.    MEASLES
37.    DYSUREA
39.    OBESITY
47.    URSASTAMBH ??
49.    LEPROSY
51.    WORMS
53.    COUGH
54.    COLIC
56.    VAMAN KARNA (Vomitting, Nausea)  ??
57.    VIRECHAN DENA (Use as Enemea) ??
60.    FISTULA
61.    BHASMAK ??
63.    RING WORM
69.    CORYZA,
73.    GOUT
74.    ABSCESS
76.    CHOLERA
78.    FEVER
81.    THIRST
83.    WOUNDS
84.    HEAD ACHE
85.    OEDEMA, swelling
86.    FILARIA
87     ASTHMA
89.    SANGRAHANI ( Spraue  ??)
96.    HALIMAK ??
97.    HARIDRAK ??
98.    HICHAKA ??

Wednesday 19 August 2015



Dear Friends,

Cow, Ghee and Nectar are not just three words but have great importance attached. In Vedic scriptures ghee is termed as nectar i.e. Elixir. It increases longevity and good health. But in modern days, scientist are calling Ghee, Milk etc as poison. Also we have observed ,those who consume milk and ghee are becoming sick and are also getting modern diseases like BP, Cholesterol, heart attacks etc. Why is this happening?

To Understand this Knowledge of VEDIC GHEE we have to understand  what are Vedic Indigenous Cows or Vedic Cows and the Milk obtained from these cows is only suitable for making Ghee Which is Nectar. To understand it first we look into below picture.

Following are the Main difference between Vedic Indian Cows and Modern Hybrid Exotic Cows.

We see prominent hump in all vedic cows. We see in all modern species the hump is practically absent. The hump in Vedic cows has a specific vein called surya ketu nadi which is absent in non Vedic ones. This nadi (vein) absorbs all the energies and radiations from sun, moon and all luminaries from universe and puts them in cow products like milk, urine, dung, ghee (clarified butter) etc. In cow products of non Vedic species this divine effect of surya ketu nadi is absent.

 Dewlap is a prominent specific fold of skin below neck which is prominently present in Vedic cows as seen in photos above. This dewlap gives immunity power to cow and cow products.

Rounded back – The back of Vedic cows in nicely rounded where as those of non Vedic once in mostly sharp angular.

Prominent Forehead – The Vedic cows have prominent forehead of round shape. The non Vedic once have flat or almost flat forehead.

Comparison Between Products of Local Indian Breeds of Cows and Exotic Breeds of Cows Like Jersey, Frasien, Holstein

Products of Indian breed of cows
Products of exotic(Foreign) breed of cows
These are easily digestible and make us energetic
These are difficult to digest and make us lazy, dull and obese
All the body systems become strong and function properly
By consuming these products after the age of 40 years all the problems of hypertension, cholesterol, heart diseases, Organ malfunctions etc. start happening. That is why doctors advise non consumption of ghee of these cows and buffaloes.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid- DHA and EPA is found in these products which help in improvement of intelligence and memory of children and everyone else.
Omega- 3 Fatty Acids are not found in these products
Vitamin D is found in these products which regularize the metabolism of the body and keep away all the diseases especially it helps in dissolving Calcium deposited in the arteries and opens the blockages of heart. So there is no need of by-pass surgery.
This property is not found in these productions. Long term consumption of these products creates heart blockages.
On consuming these products the good cholesterol-HDL is increased and the HDL/LDL is balanced.
It increases the bad cholesterol and imbalances the HDL/LDL.
Consumption of these products helps in normalization of high and low Blood Pressure.
Consumption of these products increases hypertension.
Beta Casein A1 is not present in these products.
Beta Casein A1 is found in these products which cause Diabetes, Mental Problems and heart Problems in young generation.
These products have Beta Carotenoids, Vitamin A and E, So they improve the eyesight.
These products are not helpful in improving eyesight.
Calcium is found in sufficient quantity with proper metabolism in these products. So it strengthens the bones and teeth.
Calcium is found in these products but the metabolism is not proper.
Conjugated Linolic Acid is found in these products which helps in prevention of cancer.
CLA is not found in these products.
The consumption of these products smoothens and lubricates the digestive system. So they prevent acidity, gastric problems, ulcer and piles problem.
This property is not found in these products.
Itching, Blisters and wounds, Psoriasis and other skin problems can be cured by both internal and external use of these products.
This property is not found in these products.
Burns can be cured by application of these products.
This property is not found in these products.
Panch-gavya Ghee can cure all mental problems like migraine, depression, Schizophrenia, epilepsy and all other mental problems.
This property is not found in these products.
Internal wounds and tumors can be cured by long time use of these products.
This property is not found in these products.
If buttermilk is taken daily after lunch then all problems of digestive system like acidity, gastric can be controlled and also reduce the effect of sun strokes.

Preparing Cow ghee is great science and we have either forgotten or neglected it out of laziness. As we proceed further it will be clear that we are not consuming cow ghee and milk even though items in market claim it to be cow milk and ghee.

Milk mentioned in Vedas which is termed as amrut has to be of Vedic cows (Mentioned above) and in natural form. Similarly ghee which is amrut should be of Vedic cow(Mentioned above) and made in Vedic way.

How to make ghee
Boil the milk, once you get it. It is recommended that we use iron deep frying pot for this purpose or earthen pot. Steel vessels may be acceptable. Aluminium vessels should not be used and are absolutely not acceptable. After boiling the milk let it cool to almost room temperature i.e. An Indian climate. 
Then we add little yogurt in the milk. Keep the vessel undisturbed for few hours till the milk changes into curd. Then take a churning rod and start churning the milk. The churning process should be done in early morning before the sun gets hot. In winter season we get little extra time for churning. It will take around 20 -35 minutes for churning to be finished and butter to start floating on top. You will need to add some water while churning. Then take butter out of the pot. See to it that the Buttermilk that comes out along with the butter is minimum. Then you can stick the butter on a plate or wooden surface and tilt it so that Butter milk is drained out as much as possible. Then heat the butter in low flame till the bubbling stops and all water is evaporated. The butter will turn into golden colour and bubbling will stop. Take the ghee of stove and store in pot(Preferably Glass or Clay Pot).
During the process of heating some brown matter might get collected at bottom which should be separated from ghee. This light brown matter is also not bad and can used with roti separately. Its has to be separated from ghee.
The churning cannot be done in mixer or other machine. Churning has to be at slow speed which is achieved by hand and rotation should be in both directions alternately as it comes when done by hand. We can use the rope to churn instead of hand directly. Both directions mean clock wise and anti clock wise.
BENEFITS OF PURE DESI GHEE from Curd Of indigenous breed of cow has richest mineral content thus making it superior to ghee of other exotic breeds of cows. Ghee of Indegenous breed has curative properties and is known to cure 111 kinds of human diseases. It helps clean body toxins by lubricating colon and thus leads to tissue rejuvenation. Daily supplement of pure desi ghee of Indegenous breed cow helps to keep joint health intact and takes care of minor common ailment simultaneously such as insomnia, hair fall, eye problems etc.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Defeat Obesity by Changing Your Eating Habit !

Defeat Obesity and Stay Fit Forever : Say No to Doctor : Dream Or Reality !

Note: The health tips mentioned below is general concept to stay fit irrespective of personal body and habbit, it may vary from person to person. Blogger (Mr. Ganesh Chaudhary) will not be held responsible for any harm caused after using following health tips. Please consult your doctor before applying anything from this blog in your personal life because blogger does not know anything about your current physical condition and any disease already possess by reader.

1) Early to Bed Early to Rise, Make it a regular Habit. Best Sleeping time is 10:00PM to 5:00AM
2) Brush Well Before Bed. After rising up in morning, first thing to do is drink warm water even before brushing your teeth. Start with 1 glass(be comfortable with it) and slowly make it upto 1.25 Litres in few days or a month. Always drink your water in sitting position and take it sip by sip slowly like you have your tea. Just for idea, 1 glass of water should take 1~2 minutes to get finished. After drinking water you complete your morning essentials.
3) Drinking water immediately after eating food is like poison. So, don't drink water within 40 minutes before food and within one and half hour (90 Minutes) after food. Take your water only after 90 minutes of your meal. Make it a thumb rule.
4) Don't drink cold(and chilled) water ever. Always drink room temperature water during summers and warm water during winters. Early Morning water should always be warm water irrespective of season.
5) Go for an brisk morning walk of nearly 45 mins. while walking take very deep breath. After walking do some Yog(Pranayam etc) or General exercise for 30 mins.Make it a regular habit, atleast 6 days a week. You can take break if you are sick.
6) Always have lunch in morning, stop breakfast habit. Have your lunch(BRUNCH) within 3 hrs of sunrise(check sunrise time in your respective city). Means, have your lunch before leaving to office.Your BRUNCH should be heavy, eat like king. Eat your favorite food in brunch time. try to take some rest after having your brunch by lying on left side of your body(Left karwat), but just for minimum 20 minutes and maximum 40 mins, not more than that. you can even take small nap during it.
7) Don't eat anything in afternoon, if feeling hungry you can take buttermilk or some fruits or some dry fruits like Peanuts with jaggery(Gud Chikki), almonds, walnut, dates etc.
8) Try to eat your dinner before sunset if possible or as early as possible. Eat light food in Dinner, half stomach, means if u Ate 6 chapatis in brunch take 3 in dinner if eating after sunset and can take 4 if eating before sunset. Unlike brunch don't take any rest after dinner. Sit in vajrasan yog position for 10-15 mins and then walk atleast 400 yard, before sitting. Don't sleep immediately after taking dinner, there should be a gap of atleast 3 hours between dinner and bedtime.
9) Don't use aluminium and non-stick utensils for cooking, avoid microwave and pressure cooker cooking.
10) Don't use Maida (It is a finely milled refined and bleached wheat flour, closely resembling cake flour) in cooking and also avoid Maida products like Biscuits, bakery items like Puffs, Pizza, Burger,  Biscuits, Samosas etc. its very harmful specially for children. If Children asks for it please make it in home with the Help of Whole wheat Grain aata(Wheat Aata).
11) Don't use Refined oil in cooking. Use pure virgin oil (Kachchi Ghani Oil) processed with cold pressed technology, available in your area whether it is mustard oil, groundnut oil, sesam oil, olive oil, coconut oil or safflower (Karadi) oil etc. You can even use cost effective Filtered oil but say no to refined or double refined oil.
12) You can also use Pure Desi Ghee made up from Hand churning of Curd (Not cream of Milk) of Indian origin Cow. If you can get or make this type of ghee made up from vedic process, it is like nectar. Please click following link to study in detail about it. Vedic Ghee
13) Say strictly no no to white Refined sugar(Cheeni in Hindi, Sucrose etc). Again it is not good for health and increase obesity. If u carve for sweetness you can use Sulphurless sugar, Jaggery, Honey and MISHRI (मिश्री) and some sweet fruits. Obese people should always take 1~2 teaspoon of pure honey mixing well in 1 glass of warm water and adding some lime in it, in morning before leaving for morning walk.
14) Avoid tea and coffee, specially Indian verson of it (by adding milk and sugar). people can have green or black tea with mixing honey in it before leaving for morning walk, you can add spices like ginger, basil leaves, cinnamon, cloves etc while boiling your water for tea. Try to use cinnamon in powdered form for better results.
15) Avoid iodised refined salt. Always use rock salt (Sendha namak) or black salt (Kala namak) in your food.
16) Don't consume alcohol, tobacco, Cigerrete or any other harmful drug. Always remain NASHA-MUKT.
17) Try to be Vegetarian. 
18) Always eat home cooked food, avoid eateries and restaurants unless compulsary. Say bye-bye to junk food forever
19) Obese people should avoid mid snacking. Don't keep snacks at places within your reach. Keep at places where you cannot see it easily. 

Feel free for any questions. I will try to answer you as per my knowledge.